How Our Technological Culture Has Decimated Our Attention Spans

Or “Irony Itself Comes to Wonk Bridge”

Maxi Gorynski
6 min readAug 5, 2020

A 5-Minuter from Wonk Bridge

Image from “Pffff”, on Pinterest.

Welcome, reader, to the most supremely ironic of all Wonk Bridge 5 Minuters, including those past and quite probably those to come, too. At this outlet our devotion is primarily towards the visionary and well-investigated in journalism; the extensive, the comprehensive; “News That Stays News” and all that.

The 5 Minuter itself was primarily designed as a way in which we as a publication could chase up shorter leads that, in spite of their brevity or compactness, were still interesting. To be perfectly frank about our strategy, they were and are also designed to cater to the fact that not all of our readers have the mental stomach for one long-read after another, and fair enough. For some, they’re effective palette cleansers. For others, the 5-Minuter caters to the considerable damage done to their attention span by our technological culture.

So here is a 5-Minuter dedicated to decrying the considerable damage done to our attention spans by our technological culture.

The Utility of a Short Attention Span

We must be mindful of our history when risking the foolhardiness of wide prescription. The…



Maxi Gorynski
Maxi Gorynski

Written by Maxi Gorynski

Technologist, writer, contrapuntalist, lion tamer and piano tuner

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